Aug 4, 2011

Why we want you rich

The world is facing many challenges and one of them is about money. Psychology privileges spread like epidemic, forming the class who wants the country, employers, or family to care for them. Donald J. Trump & Robert T. Kiyosaki, both successful entrepreneurs, who found congenital & work together to address these challenges. Both believe that you can not solve money problems with money.

Hard money can only be settled through financial education. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki want to teach you how to get rich. Both were able to write a separate book on this subject, but they decided to accept the general editor for the same passion for education and other longing stressed the importance of financial education. In addition they spend part of their profits from the book to give to educational institutions and charities ... "Why we want you rich - wealthy couple, a message" written for yourself They are business leaders, one of a kind of world, popular and successful. They differ in starting points, but together only your starting point for the rich with their own experiences. Since the concept of "give people a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach people to fish and you feed him for a lifetime "billionaires top two will show you how money makes the rich but not help us escape from poverty.
Donal Trump is a typical example for American success story. Since graduating from Wharton finance, real estate projects he is the most prestigious addresses in the U.S. and worldwide. Among them are building the world-famous building on South Avenue, Trump Park Avenue Tower, the club at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach and Palm Trump International Hotel & Tower being built in Dubai. Golf reached four other awards and a yard to be completed in Scotland shows his passion for golf. There is a TV star and Emmy-nominated co-produced reality television blockbuster "apprentice", and is the author of seven best-selling book, he really is a giant in the world communication.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book "Rich Dad's", a complete set of "best-seller" world, as an investor, an entrepreneur specializing in mining and real estate, and as a teacher look for sex with money and investment to topple the conventional wisdom.
In the era of the economy are more volatile today, two "bosses" in the business began to write the book to emphasize the urgent need for financial knowledge.

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